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“Makerere has made me who I am today; it has nurtured me from a degree holder to a professor, and I will do all that is possible to support this institution” remarked Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba the outgoing Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs (DVCAA) as he handed over office to the Acting […]
The Academic Registrar, Professor Buyinza Mukadasi has been appointed Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Makerere University, for a period of six (6) months effective 11th July 2024 to 10th January 2025 or until a substantive First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) is appointed whichever comes earlier. He is a Professor of Forestry Resource […]
The Makerere University Deans’ Forum (MUDF) was inaugurated on 14th June 2019 following a sensitisation workshop for academic leaders aimed at building a sustainable research culture and research management systems for quality and relevant research output. The Forum, it was further envisaged, would create a platform for Deans to share and network beyond the University […]
Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak Centre) Uganda on 14th April 2022 inaugurated its Advisory Board to guide the operations of the Centre. The Board inaugurated at the Centre’s Conference Hall at Makerere University, is chaired by the Deputy Vice chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba. While inaugurating the Board, the Director, […]
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)-DVCAA, Prof. Umar Kakumba, has this afternoon presented trophies to the Guild Electoral Commission (EC) 2021 and the 86th Guild Speaker, in recognition of their contribution and efforts that delivered a Petition-Free Election. In her remarks, the Dean of Students, Mrs. Winifred Kabumbuli thanked the DVCAA for accepting to present […]
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